Wie Hersteller sich auf BIM einstellen (sollten)

How manufacturers (should) adapt to BIM

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is changing traditional working methods and posing complex challenges. But in the digital transformation, the method is gaining acceptance among architects, planners, contractors and developers. What does this mean for manufacturers and suppliers in the industry? What requirements does the new method pose and what opportunities does it open up for the sale of complex product systems?

Building data modeling is a methodology for planning and controlling construction processes. Virtual models and digital processes are used to plan, construct and ultimately manage buildings holistically and integrally across all trades. To ensure that everyone involved in the construction project has 24/7 access to the models, they are created in a cloud platform from structured, multidisciplinary data that covers as many dimensions of the building as possible. Whereas previously many decisions were made ad hoc and on site, the BIM method means that planning is completed before the foundation stone is laid ...

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