Die fünf wichtigsten Vorteile einer CPQ-Lösung für die Industrie

Die fünf wichtigsten Vorteile einer CPQ-Lösung für die Industrie

Suppliers of individual but modular product systems are increasingly looking for digital support in sales. The on-board resources of ERP systems are limited and the Configure Price Quote (CPQ) solutions available on the market differ greatly in their scope of services. We describe five important features to look for when making a selection so that the digitization step leads to real improvements

The offerings of many industrial companies can be located somewhere on a scale between standardized product variants and complete individual products. The greater the degree of individualization, the greater the consulting effort and the more difficult it is to digitize customer interactions. Here, CPQ systems can make a significant contribution to making personal sales more effective and efficient. This applies to the office and field sales teams as well as to the global sales organization ...

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